Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

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ALERT: Undisclosed Synthetic Diamonds
src: riograndeblog.com

A synthetic diamond (also known as artificial diamond , cultured diamond , or cultivated diamond ) is a diamond that generated in an artificial process, compared to natural diamonds, created by geological processes. Synthetic diamonds are also widely known as HPHT diamond or diamond CVD after two common methods of production (referring to the method of formation of high pressure precipitate crystals and steam crystals, respectively). While the synthetic term is associated with the consumer with the imitation product, the artificial diamond is made of the same material (pure carbon, crystallized in an isotropic 3D form). In the US, the Federal Trade Commission has indicated that alternative laboratory-growing terms, lab-made , and [name-producers] -created "will be more clearly communicate the nature of the stone ".

Many of the claims of diamond synthesis are documented between 1879 and 1928; most of these efforts were carefully analyzed but none were confirmed. In the 1940s, systematic research began in the United States, Sweden, and the Soviet Union to grow diamonds using the CVD and HPHT processes. The first reproducible synthesis was reported around 1953. Both processes still dominate synthetic diamond production. The third method, known as the synthesis of detonation, entered the diamond market in the late 1990s. In this process, nanometer-sized diamond grains are made in explosive blasting containing carbon. The fourth method, treating graphite with high power ultrasound, has been demonstrated in the laboratory, but currently has no commercial applications.

The properties of synthetic diamonds depend on the detail of the manufacturing process; However, some synthetic diamonds (whether formed by HPHT or CVD) have properties such as hardness, thermal conductivity and electron mobility that are superior to most naturally formed diamonds. Synthetic diamonds are widely used in abrasives, in cutting and polishing tools and in heat sinks. Synthetic diamond electronics applications are being developed, including high power switches in power plants, high frequency field effect transistors and light-emitting diodes. Synthetic diamond detectors from ultraviolet (UV) rays or high-energy particles are used in high-energy research facilities and are commercially available. Due to the unique combination of thermal and chemical stability, low thermal expansion and high optical transparency over a wide spectrum range, synthetic diamonds become the most popular material for optical windows in high strength CO 2 lasers and gyrotrons. It is estimated that 98% of industrial grade diamond demand is supplied with synthetic diamonds.

Both CVD and HPHT diamonds can be cut into gems and various colors can be produced: clean, yellow, brown, blue, green and orange white. The advent of synthetic gems in the market creates great concerns in the diamond trading business, as a result of specialized spectroscopic devices and techniques that have been developed to distinguish synthetic and natural diamonds.

Video Synthetic diamond


After the discovery of 1797 that diamonds were pure carbon, much effort was made to convert various inexpensive forms of carbon into diamonds. The earliest success was reported by James Ballantyne Hannay in 1879 and by Ferdinand Frà © à © dà © ric Henri Moissan in 1893. Their method involves heating the charcoal at up to 3500 ° C with iron in a carbon container in the furnace. While Hannay uses fire-heated tubes, Moissan applies his newly developed arc furnace, where an electric arc is struck between the carbon rod inside the lime block. Liquid iron is then quickly cooled by immersion in water. The contraction produced by cooling should produce the high pressure required to convert graphite into diamond. Moissan published his work in a series of articles in the 1890s.

Many other scientists try to imitate his experiments. Sir William Crookes claimed success in 1909. Otto Ruff claimed in 1917 to produce diamonds with a diameter of 7 mm, but later revoked his statement. In 1926, Dr. A Willard Hershey from McPherson College replicates the Moissan and Ruff experiments, producing synthetic diamonds; The specimen is on display at the McPherson Museum in Kansas. Despite the claims of Moissan, Ruff, and Hershey, other researchers can not reproduce their synthesis.

The most definitive replication effort was made by Sir Charles Algernon Parsons. A prominent scientist and engineer known for inventing steam turbines, he spent about 40 years (1882-1922) and most of his wealth attempted to reproduce the Moissan and Hannay experiments, but also adjusted his own process. Parsons is known for his accurate approach and methodical recording; all the resulting samples are stored for further analysis by an independent party. He wrote a number of articles - some of the earliest on HPHT diamonds - where he claims to have produced small diamonds. However, in 1928, he authorized Dr. C.H. Desch to publish an article in which he expressed his belief that no synthetic diamonds (including Moissan and others) were generated up to that date. He suggested that most of the diamonds produced up to then are likely to be synthetic spinel.

GE diamond project

In 1941, an agreement was made between General Electric (GE), Norton and Carborundum to develop diamond synthesis. They were able to heat the carbon up to about 3,000 ° C (5,430 ° F) under a pressure of 3.5 gigapascals (510,000 psi) for a few seconds. Soon after, the Second World War interrupted the project. It was continued in 1951 at Schenectady Laboratories of GE, and a group of high-pressure diamonds was formed with Francis P. Bundy and H.M. Strong. Tracy Hall and others joined the project shortly thereafter.

Schenectady's group increased on a runway designed by Percy Bridgman, who received the Nobel Prize for his work in 1946. Bundy and Strong made the first improvements, then more made by Hall. The GE team used tungsten carbide anvil in a hydraulic press to suppress carbon samples stored in a catlinite container, a finished grit that was squeezed out of the container into the gasket. The team recorded diamond synthesis on one occasion, but the experiment could not be reproduced because of an uncertain synthesis condition, and the diamond was later proven to be a natural diamond used as a seed.

Hall achieved the first commercially successful diamond synthesis on December 16, 1954, and it was announced on February 15, 1955. Its breakthrough uses a "belt" of the press, capable of generating pressures above 10 GPa (1,500,000 psi) and temperatures above 2,000 ° C C (3,630 ° F). The press uses a pyrophyllite container in which the graphite is dissolved in liquid nickel, cobalt or iron. The metals act as "solvent catalysts," both of which dissolve carbon and accelerate conversion to diamonds. The largest diamond he produces is 0.15 mm (0.0059 inches); it is too small and is not visually perfect for jewelry, but can be used in industrial abrasives. A co-worker of Hall was able to replicate his work, and the discovery was published in the principal journal Nature. He was the first person to grow synthetic diamonds with a process that can be reproduced, verified and well documented. He left GE in 1955, and three years later developed new equipment for the synthesis of tetrahedral diamonds with four bases - to avoid breaches of US Commerce Department secret orders about GE patent applications. Hall accepted the American Chemical Society Award for Creative Invention for his work in diamond synthesis.

Next development

Independent diamond synthesis was achieved on February 16, 1953 in Stockholm by ASEA (AllmÃÆ'¤nna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget), one of Sweden's major electrical manufacturing companies. Beginning in 1949, ASEA employed a team of five scientists and engineers as part of a secret diamond-making project called QUINTUS. The team used a large round ball equipment designed by Baltzar von Platen and Anders KÃÆ'¤mpe. Pressure maintained in the device at 8.4 GPa is estimated for one hour. Some small diamonds are produced, but not of the quality of gems or size. The work was not reported until the 1980s. During the 1980s, new competitors appeared in Korea, a company called Iljin Diamond; followed by hundreds of Chinese companies. Iljin Diamond allegedly completed a diamond synthesis in 1988 by abusing trade secrets from GE through a former GE employee of Korea.

The first quality synthetic gem diamond crystal was first produced in 1970 by GE, then reported in 1971. The first successful use of the pyrophyllite tube is seeded on each end with a thin piece of diamond. The graphite feedstock is placed at the center and the metal solvent (nickel) between graphite and seed. The container is heated and the pressure is raised to about 5.5 GPa. The crystals grow as they flow from the center to the ends of the tubes, and extend the length of the process to produce larger crystals. Initially, the growth process for a week produces quality gems of about 5 mm (1 carat or 0.2 g), and the process conditions should be as stable as possible. The graphite feed is immediately replaced by diamond grit because it allows better control of the final crystal shape.

The first quality gemstones are always yellow to brown due to contamination with nitrogen. Inclusion is common, especially the "plate-like" of nickel. Removing all nitrogen from the process by adding aluminum or titanium produces a "white" stone that is colorless, and releases nitrogen and adds the resulting boron that is blue. Removing nitrogen also slows the growth process and reduces the crystalline quality, so this process usually runs with the presence of nitrogen.

Although GE and natural diamonds are chemically identical, their physical properties are not the same. Colorless stones produce strong fluorescence and fluorescence under ultraviolet wavelength, but inert under long wave UV. Among natural diamonds, only richer blue gems show these traits. Unlike natural diamonds, all GE stones show strong yellow fluorescence under X-rays. The De Beers Diamond Research Laboratory has grown stones up to 25 carats (5.0 g) for research purposes. A stable HPHT condition is stored for six weeks to grow high quality diamonds of this size. Due to economic reasons, the growth of most synthetic diamonds was stopped when it reached a mass of 1 carat (200 mg) to 1.5 carats (300 mg).

In the 1950s, research began in the Soviet Union and US on diamond growth with hydrocarbon gas pyrolysis at a relatively low temperature of 800 ° C. This low pressure process is known as chemical vapor deposition (CVD). William G. Eversole reportedly achieved diamond vapor deposition on a diamond substrate in 1953, but was not reported until 1962. The stockpiling of diamond films was independently reproduced by Angus and co-workers in 1968 and by Deryagin and Fedoseev in 1970. Eversole and Angus using large, expensive, single crystal diamonds as substrates, Deryagin and Fedoseev successfully made diamond films on non-diamond materials (silicon and metal), which led to a massive research on cheap diamond coatings in the 1980s.

From the 2013 report, there was an increase in unknown synthetic diamond melee found in organized jewelry and in diamond packages sold in trade. Due to the relatively inexpensive cost of short-range diamonds, as well as the relative lack of universal knowledge to identify large numbers of close-ups efficiently, not all dealers have attempted to test a melee diamond to precisely identify whether it is natural or man-made. However, the international laboratories are now beginning to deal with the problem directly, with significant improvements in the identification of synthetic close-ups made.

Maps Synthetic diamond

Manufacturing technology

There are several methods used to produce synthetic diamonds. The original method uses high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) and is still widely used due to its relatively low cost. This process involves a large emphasis that can weigh hundreds of tons to produce a pressure of 5 GPa at 1500 ° C. The second method, using chemical vapor deposition (CVD), creates a carbon plasma above the substrate in which carbon deposits form to form diamonds. Other methods include explosive formation (formation of nanodiamond detonation) and sonication of graphite solution.

High pressure, high temperature

In the HPHT method, there are three main press designs used to supply the pressure and temperature required to produce synthetic diamond: press belt, cubic press and split-sphere press (BARS). Diamond seeds are placed at the bottom of the press. The internal part of the press is heated above 1400 ° C and melts the solvent metal. The molten metal dissolves a high-purity carbon source, which is then transported to a small diamond and sedimentary seed, forming a large synthetic diamond.

The original GE discovery by Tracy Hall used belt presses where the upper and lower bases supply the pressure load to the cells in the cylinder. This internal pressure is limited radially by the pre-suppressed steel band belt. The grounding also functions as an electrode providing an electric current to a compressed cell. Variations of belt press use hydraulic pressure, not steel belt, to limit internal pressure. Press belts are still in use today, but they are built on a much larger scale than the original design.

The second type of press design is the cubic press. A cubic press has six runways that provide simultaneous pressure to all face-shaped cube volumes. The first multi-anvil press design is the tetrahedral press, using four corners to assemble on a tetrahedron-shaped volume. The cubic press was made shortly thereafter to increase the volume of applied pressure. A cubic press is usually smaller than a press belt and can more quickly reach the pressure and temperature required to create a synthetic diamond. However, cubic suppression can not be easily upgraded to larger volumes: pressurized volume can be increased by using a larger grounding, but it also increases the amount of force required on the base to achieve the same pressure. The alternative is to reduce the surface area against pressurized volume volumes, using more foundations to converge on higher platinum solids, such as dodecahedron. However, such press will be complicated and difficult to produce.

The BARS apparatus is claimed to be the most compact, efficient, and economical of all diamond-producing press machines. In the center of the BARS device, there is a "ceramic capsule" of ceramic cylinders measuring about 2 cm 3 . Cells are placed into cubes of pressure-emitting materials, such as pyrophyllite ceramics, which are pressed by an inner base made of cemented carbide (eg, tungsten carbide or VK10 hard alloy). The external octahedral cavity is compressed by 8 outside steel platforms. After installation, the entire assembly is locked in a disc type barrel with a diameter of about 1 meter. The barrel is filled with oil, which puts pressure on the heating, and the oil pressure is transferred to the central cell. The synthesis capsule is heated by a coaxial graphite heater and the temperature is measured by the thermocouple.

Chemical vapor deposition

Chemical vapor deposition is a method in which diamonds can be grown from a mixture of hydrocarbon gases. Since the early 1980s, this method has been the subject of intense global research. While mass production of high quality diamond crystals makes HPHT process a more suitable choice for industrial applications, the flexibility and simplicity of CVD settings explain the popularity of CVD growth in laboratory research. The advantages of CVD diamond growth include the ability to grow diamonds in large areas and on various substrates, and good control over chemical impurities and thus the properties of the resulting diamonds. Unlike HPHT, CVD processes do not require high pressure, as growth usually occurs at pressures below 27 kPa.

CVD growth involves substrate preparation, feeding the amount of gas into the room and energizing them. Substrate preparation includes selecting suitable materials and crystallographic orientations; clean it, often with diamond powder to scrape the non-diamond substrate; and optimizing the substrate temperature (about 800 Ã, Â ° C ) during growth through a series of trials. The gases always include a carbon source, usually methane, and hydrogen with a general ratio of 1:99. Hydrogen is very important because it selectively etches non-diamond carbon. The gases are ionized into chemically active radicals in the growth space using microwave power, heat filaments, arc discharges, welding torches, lasers, electron beams, or other means.

During growth, space materials are carved by plasma and can be incorporated into growing diamonds. Specifically, CVD diamonds are often contaminated by silicon derived from the growth room silica window or from the silicon substrate. Therefore, the silica window can be avoided or removed from the substrate. Species containing indoor boron, even at very low trace levels, also make it unsuitable for pure diamond growth.

Explosive detonation

Diamond nanocrystals (5'nm diameter) may be formed by detonating explosives containing certain carbon in the metal chamber. These nanocrystals are called "detonation nanodiamond". During the explosion, the indoor pressure and temperature become high enough to convert carbon from explosives into diamonds. Soaked in water, the chamber cools rapidly after the explosion, suppressing the conversion of newly produced diamonds into more stable graphite. In this variation technique, a metal tube filled with graphite powder is placed in the detonation chamber. The explosion heats and solidifies the graphite to a sufficient extent for conversion to a diamond. This product is always rich in graphite and other non-diamond carbon forms and requires prolonged boiling in hot nitric acid (about 1 day at 250 ° C) to dissolve it. The obtained nanodiamond powder is used primarily in polishing applications. It was mainly produced in China, Russia, and Belarus and began reaching the market in large numbers in the early 2000s.

Ultrasound cavitation

Micronized diamond crystals can be synthesized from graphite suspensions in organic liquids at atmospheric pressure and room temperature using ultrasonic cavitation. The diamond result is about 10% of the weight of the starting graphite. The estimated diamond cost generated by this method is proportional to the HPHT method; product crystal perfection is significantly worse for ultrasonic synthesis. This technique requires relatively simple tools and procedures, but has only been reported by two research groups, and has no industrial use by 2012. Many process parameters, such as initial graphite powder preparation, ultrasonic power options, synthesis and solvent time, have not been optimized, leaving windows for increased potential efficiency and cost reduction of ultrasonic synthesis.

The Problem of Synthetic Diamonds in Watchmaking - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Traditionally, the absence of crystal defects is considered the most important quality of a diamond. The purity and perfection of high crystals makes the transparent and clear diamond, while its hardness, optical dispersion (luster) and chemical stability (combined with marketing), make it a popular gemstone. High thermal conductivity is also important for technical applications. While high optical dispersion is the intrinsic property of all diamonds, the other properties vary depending on how the diamonds are made.


Diamonds can be either single or continuous crystals or may consist of many smaller crystals (polycrystals). Large, clear and transparent single crystal diamonds are commonly used in gemstones. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) consists of many small grains, which are easily visible to the naked eye through strong absorption and light scattering; it is not suitable for gems and is used for industrial applications such as mining and cutting tools. Polycrystalline diamonds are often depicted with the average size (or grain size ) of the crystal that forms it. Grain sizes range from nanometers up to hundreds of micrometers, commonly referred to as "nanocrystalline" and "microcrystalline" diamonds, respectively.


Synthetic diamond is the hardest known material, where hardness is defined as resistance to indentation. The hardness of synthetic diamonds depends on its purity, perfection and crystal orientation: higher hardness for pointless directional pure crystals [111] (along the longest diagonal of a cubic diamond lattice). The nanocrystalline diamonds produced through CVD diamond growth can have hardness ranging from 30% to 75% of a single crystal diamond, and hardness can be controlled for specific applications. Some single synthetic crystal diamonds and HPHT nanocrystalline diamonds (see hyperdiamond) are harder than known natural diamonds.

Dirt and inclusion

Each diamond contains atoms other than carbon in concentrations that can be detected by analytical techniques. These atoms can be combined into macroscopic phases called inclusions. Dirt is generally avoided, but can be introduced intentionally as a way to control certain properties of diamonds. The process of synthetic diamond growth, using a solvent catalyst, generally leads to the formation of a number of impurity complex centers, involving transition metal atoms (such as nickel, cobalt or iron), which affect the electronic properties of the material.

For example, pure diamonds are electrical insulators, but diamonds with boron added are electrical conductors (and, in some cases, superconductors), which allow them to be used in electronic applications. Nitrogen impeders inhibit the movement of the lattice dislocations (defects inside the crystal structure) and place the lattice under compressive pressure, thus increasing hardness and toughness.

Thermal conductivity

Unlike most electric insulators, pure diamonds are good heat conductors because of the strong covalent bonds inside the crystal. The thermal conductivity of pure diamond is the highest of any known solids. Single crystal synthetic diamond enriched in 12 C < span>
(99.9%), pure diamond isotope, has the highest thermal conductivity of any material, 30 W/cmÃ, Â · K at room temperature, 7.5 times higher of copper. The natural conductivity of the diamond is reduced by 1.1% by 13
comes naturally, which acts as inhomogeneity in the lattice.

Diamond thermal conductivity is utilized by jewelers and gems who may use electronic thermal probes to separate diamonds from their imitations. The probe consists of a pair of battery-powered thermistors mounted at the ends of fine copper. One thermistor acts as a heating device while the other measures the copper edge temperature: if the stone tested is a diamond, it will conduct tip heat energy fast enough to produce a measurable temperature drop. This test takes about 2-3 seconds.

How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown : Identifying Man ...
src: www.mygemologist.com


Machining and cutting tools

Most synthetic diamond industry applications have long been linked to their violence; this property makes diamonds the ideal material for machine tools and cutting tools. As the harshest natural material known, diamonds can be used to polish, cut, or remove any material, including other diamonds. Common industrial applications of this capability include diamond drills and saws, and the use of diamond powder as abrasive. This is the largest synthetic diamond industry application. While natural diamonds are also used for this purpose, HPHT synthetic diamond is more popular, mainly because of its better reproducibility of its mechanical properties. Diamonds are unsuitable for machining iron alloys at high speeds, because the carbon can be soluble in iron at high temperatures created by high-speed engines, which leads to increased wear and tear on diamond tools compared to alternatives.

The usual diamond shape in the cutting tool is a micrometer-sized grain scattered in a metal matrix (usually cobalt) that is sintered onto the device. This is usually referred to in the industry as a polycrystalline diamond (PCD). PCD-tipped tools can be found in mining and cutting applications. Over the past fifteen years, work has been done to coat metal tools with CVD diamonds, and although the work still shows that promise does not significantly replace traditional PCD tools.

Thermal conductor

Most materials with high thermal conductivity are also electrically conductive, such as metals. In contrast, pure synthetic diamonds have high thermal conductivity, but negligible electrical conductivity. This combination is particularly valuable for electronics where diamonds are used as heat sinks for high power laser diodes, laser arrays and high power transistors. Efficient heat dissipation extends the life of these electronic devices, and the high cost of replacing devices justifies the use of efficient, though expensive, diamond heat sinks. In semiconductor technology, synthetic diamond heat spreaders prevent silicon and other semiconductor materials from overheating.

Optical materials

Hard diamonds, chemically inert, and have high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficients. These properties make diamonds superior to other existing window materials used for infrared and microwave microwave transmission. Therefore, synthetic diamonds began to replace zinc selenide as the output window of high strength CO 2 laser and gyrotrons CO 2 . The synthetic polycrystalline diamond windows are formed as large diameter disks (about 10 cm for gyrotrons) and small thickness (to reduce absorption) and can only be produced by CVD technique. Single dimensional crystal sheets of up to about 10 mm long dimensions are becoming increasingly important in several optical fields including heatspreaders in the laser cavity, optically difractive and as optical gain media in Raman lasers. Recent advances in HPHT and CVD synthesis techniques have enhanced the purity and perfection of sufficient crystalline diamond crystallographic structures sufficient to replace silicon as a diffraction grating material and windows on high-power radiation sources, such as synchrotrons. Both CVD and HPHT processes are also used to create anvil diamond optical transparent designers as a tool to measure the electrical and magnetic properties of the material at ultra high pressure using diamond anvil cells.


Synthetic diamond has a potential use as a semiconductor, because it can be treated with impurities such as boron and phosphorus. Since these elements contain one or fewer valence electrons of carbon, they convert synthetic diamonds into p-type or n-type semiconductors. The manufacture of consecutive p-n junctions of synthetic diamonds with boron and phosphorus produces a light-emitting diode (LED) producing 235 nm UV light. Another useful feature of synthetic diamonds for electronics is the high carrier mobility, which reaches 4500 cm 2 /(VÃ,) for electrons in single CVD crystal diamonds. High mobility is advantageous for high frequency operation and field effect transistors made of diamonds have shown promising high frequency performance above 50 GHz. The diamond band gap (5.5 eV) provides excellent dielectric properties. Combined with the high mechanical stability of the diamond, these properties are used in prototype high power switches for power generation.

Synthetic diamond transistors have been produced in the laboratory. They function at much higher temperatures than silicon devices, and are resistant to chemical damage and radiation. Although no diamond transistors are successfully integrated into commercial electronics, they promise to be used in very powerful situations and in an unfriendly non-oxidizing environment.

Synthetic diamonds have been used as radiation detectors. This is hard radiation and has a 5.5 eV wide band gap (at room temperature). Diamonds are also distinguished from most other semiconductors by the lack of stable native oxides. This makes it difficult to make the MOS device a surface, but it creates potential UV radiation to gain access to the active semiconductor without absorption in the surface layer. Due to these properties, it is used in applications such as BaBar detectors at Stanford Linear Accelerator and BOLD (Blind to the Optical Light Detectors for VUV solar observations). The VUV diamond detector was recently used in the European LYRA program.

The conductive CVD diamond is a useful electrode in many circumstances. A photochemical method has been developed to link the DNA covalently to the surface of polycrystalline diamond films produced through CVD. Such DNA modification films can be used to detect a variety of biomolecules, which will interact with DNA so as to alter the electrical conductivity of the diamond film. In addition, diamonds can be used to detect redox reactions that are not usually studied and in some cases degradate redox-reactive organic contaminants in water supplies. Because diamonds are mechanically and chemically stable, diamonds can be used as electrodes in conditions that would destroy traditional materials. As an electrode, synthetic diamonds can be used in organic waste water treatment and strong oxidant production.


Synthetic diamonds for use as gems are grown by HPHT or CVD methods, and currently represent about 2% of the diamond gem quality market. However, there are indications that the diamond jewelry market share of synthetic jewelry can grow because of technological advancements enabling higher-quality synthetic production on a more economical scale. They are available in yellow and blue, and on lower levels are colorless (or white). The yellow color comes from nitrogen impurities in the manufacturing process, while the blue color comes from boron. Other colors, such as pink or green, can be achieved after synthesis using irradiation. Some companies also offer warning diamonds that are grown using the rest of the cremation.

Diamond quality diamonds grown in the laboratory can be chemically, physically and optically identical to those that occur naturally. The mined diamond industry has taken legal action, marketing and distribution to protect its market from the emergence of synthetic diamonds. Synthetic diamonds can be distinguished by spectroscopy in infrared, ultraviolet, or X-ray wavelengths. The DiamondView Testers from De Beers use UV fluorescence to detect traces of nitrogen, nickel or other metals in HPHT or CVD diamonds.

At least one diamond maker planted in the laboratory has made a public statement about "committing to reveal" the nature of the diamond, and listing the laser serial number on all gems. The company website shows an example of writing from one of the laser inscriptions, which includes the words "Gemesis made" and the "LG" prefix serial number (laboratory growing).

In May 2015, a record set for HPHT colorless diamonds at 10.02 carats. The gems are cut from a 32.2-carat stone that grows within 300 hours.

Traditional diamond mining has caused human rights abuses in Africa and elsewhere. Hollywood Movie 2006 Blood Diamond helps publicize the situation. Consumers' demand for synthetic diamonds increases, albeit from a small base, as customers look for ethically healthy, and cheaper stones.

According to reports from Permata & amp; Jewelry Export Promotion Board, synthetic diamonds account for 0.28% of diamonds manufactured for use as gemstones by 2014. Diamond Jewelry Labs are sold in the United States by brands including Pure Grown Diamonds (formerly known as Gemesis) and Lab Diamonds Direct; and in the UK by Nightingale online jewelry.

In January 2017, synthetic diamonds sold as jewelry are usually sold at prices 15-20% lower than the naturally equivalent, but relative prices are expected to decline further as the production economy increases.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
