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The Marange diamond fields are small scattered diamond production areas in Chiadzwa, Mutare West, Zimbabwe. Although the estimated reserves contained in this area vary widely, some people suggest that it could be home to one of the world's richest diamond deposits. The highly productive areas are considered by some experts as the world's largest diamond (in rust, not by value) found in more than a century. Production from Marange is controversial due to ongoing legal clashes and government crackdowns on illegal miners and allegations of forced labor. In terms of rust produced, the Marange field is the largest diamond-producing project in the world, estimated to have produced 16.9 million carats by 2013, or 13% of the global rough diamond supply. Marange is estimated to have produced 12 million carats in 2012, 8.7 million carats in 2011, and 8.2 million carats in 2010. While some rough diamond mines are worth more than $ 1000 per carat, the average production in Marange estimated at under $ 50 per carat.

Video Marange diamond fields


From the early 1980s, De Beers held an Express Prospecting Order (EPO) on Marange through their subsidiary, Kimberlitic Searches Ltd. Their EPO expired in 2006 and exploration rights are taken by British Consolidated Resources registered in the UK. The production of the Marange is controversial due to ongoing legal clashes and government crackdowns on illegal miners. In December 2006, the company prepared a trial mining operation when the Zimbabwean Government took over rights through the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, although the African Consolidated Resources won a court case allowing them to continue to mine.

In April 2010, the Zimbabwe High Court ruled that the government could sell diamonds from Marange for rejecting a request from British Consolidated Resources based in Britain to stop selling diamonds from disputed fields.

In September 2010, the Zimbabwe High Court formally revoked a ruling from a previous year that restored mining rights to British Consolidated Resources Plc based in the UK.

In February 2014, the diamond field was operated by seven private entities that all partnered with the Zimbabwean government under the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) affiliate. All 7 private companies are allegedly affiliated with former military or political officers of Zimbabwe. The 7 companies currently operating are: Marange Resources, Anjin Investments Ltd., Diamond Company, Gyn Nyame Resources, Jinan Mining Ltd., Berlian Kusena, and Berlian Mbada.

Maps Marange diamond fields


Mineral rush

A rush of minerals began in September 2006, but accelerated after the government took over. In mid-December 2006, some 10,000 illegal miners were working in small plots in Marange, and soon there was a water, sanitation and housing crisis. The miners initially sell their diamonds to the government, but the black market is growing rapidly, offering better prices.

Although the government's official plan to mine at Marange, in mining practices has been done for the benefit of senior government and Zanu-PF officials and those close to them, with little income returned to the government. Speaking anonymously, a diplomat based in Harare said

Many political regime leaders are involved in trade. They have their own diggers and traders. But it's all down to their personal account. They all have an interest in chaos.

In late 2008, mining was carried out by soldiers, using local villagers for forced labor. Soldiers sometimes pay villagers with diamonds and give most of the crops to their senior officers. According to a soldier interviewed by IRIN:

As a soldier, just like most people in the country, I'm paid low and my salary can hardly see me for three days a month... Our boss back in the barracks is fully aware of what we do, and they let us continue because of them benefit from this illegal diamond mining. Each week, we submit a large amount of minerals to them.

Government action

The government launched a police crackdown on illegal miners and smugglers several times since December 2006. In response to calls by the World Diamond Council for smuggling, in November 2008, the Zimbabwe Air Force was sent, after several police officers began refusing orders to shoot illegal miners. Up to 150 out of about 30,000 illegal miners shot from helicopter gunships.

In 2008 Zimbabwe's lawyers and opposition politicians from Mutare claimed that Shiri was the prime mover behind a military offensive against illegal diggers in a diamond mine in eastern Zimbabwe. The estimated death toll in mid-December ranged from 83 reported by the Mutare City Council, on request for a funeral, up to 140 estimated by (then) the opposition Movement for Democratic Change - the Tsvangirai Party. Military operations, known as Unsecured Operations , also involve seeking travelers in and out of the Mutare West area, with people found to have foreign currency or diamonds retained and forced to fill holes in fields diamond.

On January 28, 2009, the government announced plans to resettle 4,700 villagers from Chiadzwa to the 12,000-ha Transau Farm, on the Odzi River. Although Provincial Manicaland Governor Christopher Mushohwe said that the move had the full support of traditional local leaders, villagers of Chiadzwa protested against resettlement.

2010: Sale of Marange diamond

In 2010, the Zimbabwe High Court ruled that the government could sell Marange diamonds. International pressure group Global Witness warned Zimbabwe against selling diamonds until the government fulfilled the agreed plan with diamond monitors, Kimberley Process to reform the mines at Marange. In June 2010, the Kimberley Process monitor appointed to review the procedures and conditions at Marange reported that, "Based on evidence provided by the Zimbabwean government and private investors, and on... a direct assessment of the situation, Zimbabwe has met the minimum requirements of KPC for rough diamond trading ".

In September 2010, the Zimbabwe High Court formally revoked a ruling from a previous year that restored mining rights to British Consolidated Resources Plc based in the UK.

In August 2010 Zimbabwe continued selling diamonds from the Marange field. On August 11, buyers flew to the nation's capital, Harare, from around the world, including Israel, India, Lebanon and Russia to take advantage of diamond sales worth more than $ 1.5 billion. Press Reports describes Marange's findings as, 'the largest in southern Africa since diamonds were discovered in South Africa a century ago'.

In September 2013, Belgian and diamond industry officials managed to lobby the European Union to lift sanctions on ZMDC diamonds. In December 2013, the first auction of the EU Marange took place in Antwerp and earned $ 10 million for 300,000 carats, at an average price of over $ 30 per carat. The second auction is scheduled for 12-21 February 2014 in which another 300,000 carats will be sold.

2016: Nationalization

In March 2016, President Mugabe announced that the government nationalized its diamond mines. Mining permits associated with diamonds are revoked or not updated. Mbada Diamonds and Anjin Investments have sued the government in the country's high court. The court decided twice to support them, but the governeent did not renew any licenses. With workers out of the mine, security needs to be improved as looters target mines left behind.


The BBC, a British state broadcaster, claimed Zimbabwe's security forces had a torture camp in the Marange diamond field; methods including severe beatings, sexual assault and dog torture according to the alleged victim.

Abuse, displacement, pollution: the legacy of Zimbabwe's Marange ...

International response

Zimbabwe is a participant in the Kimberley Process (KP), which governs the diamond trade, although in June 2007 the KP annual meeting stated that they noted with concern the ongoing challenge to the implementation of KP in Zimbabwe and recommends further monitoring of developments and joint actions in that regard. The World Diamond Council has called for crackdown on diamond smuggling from Zimbabwe. In December 2008, the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition, representing non-governmental organizations participating in KP, called for the suspension of Zimbabwe. In a statement released by Global Witness, the coalition says the Kimberley Process (should) suspend Zimbabwe from a rough diamond certification scheme, given the recent violence used by the government to take control of the Chiadzwa diamond field.

On November 5, 2009, however, the Kimberley Process convened an annual meeting in Namibia and voted against Zimbabwe's suspension. Instead, it was recommended and then implemented with the Zimbabwe government's 12-month work plan to monitor diamonds mined from the Marange field. The plan is aimed at preventing exports from curbing illegal excavations, stopping diamond smuggling from Marange, better securing the area, improving accountancy and audit of Marange diamonds, and overseeing exports from mines.

Many NGOs came out to support the plan, while others protested it as a shield against serious human rights abuses allegedly Zimbabwean. The Rapaport Group, headed by Martin Rapaport, goes so far as to ban merchants on its Internet diamond trading network from any diamond trade from the Marange field.

Toward the end of 2009, it was claimed that the Marange diamond was smuggled out of Zimbabwe through Mozambique.

On May 6, 2010, the Chairman of KP reminded all participants that they should maintain vigilance to ensure that the Marange diamond is in accordance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The five-page notice also includes photos and descriptions of rough diamonds from the Marange field: "At first glance, a strong 'gravel' impression resembles a round pebble at the bottom of the river, looking like rough chips and chips from broken beer bottles with colors ranging from dark brown to black to darkish green Most of the surface is matt (sic) and dull with rounded corners and edges Damaged surfaces display 'metallic sparkle' The report also contains photographs showing Marange diamonds at various stages of processing, so they can be recognized if they are mixed with legitimate diamond exports.

In July 2010, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme agreed that diamonds from Marange could be sold in international markets after a report from the previous month's Scheme monitor described the diamonds mined from the fields as conflict free.

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Global Witness Quits Group on 'Blood Diamonds'

The New York Times reported on Monday, December 5, 2011 that Global Witness has resigned from the Kimberley Process coalition, saying they feel the effort is no longer effectively ensuring that conflict diamonds do not enter the retail market. The organization is the first advocacy group to leave the program. While the organization has expressed concern over the operation of the Kimberley Process for some time, the last straw leading to its withdrawal is the decision to allow Zimbabwe to export diamonds from the Marange field, where there are reports of widespread human rights abuses by the government. security forces. "This is the most horrible situation we've seen since the Kimberley Process was launched, where diamonds have fueled violence and human rights abuses, and Kimberley really failed to handle it effectively," said Annie Dunnebacke, senior campaigner for the Global Witness. The diamond industry "hides behind the Kimberley Process," said Ms Dunnebacke, adding that many traders and dealers do not do due diligence in examining the true source of the diamonds they face. "Faroe Maguwu, director of the Zimbabwe-based Center for Research and Development, also a member of the Kimberley Process, says he is confident of withdrawing the diamonds." "We have a Kimberley Process for diamonds, so that's it. Global Witness is not enough to lose the entire Kimberley Process. But, he said, "this is a big blow.The Kimberley process will never be the same without Global Witness," Mr. Maguwu. "The highly influential Kimberley Process members have given a no-confidence vote in the Kimberley Process, which will affect the way the whole world sees the Kimberley Process going forward."

Are Conflict Diamonds Rigging Today's Zimbabwe Elections ...

Water poisoning

A 2012 study commissioned by the Zimbabwe Environmental Lawyers Association (ZELA) and conducted by the University of Zimbabwe found that operations in diamond fields release harmful chemicals into the Hemat River. This has terrible consequences for downstream rivers and panic in October 2012 when residents of this community are aware of the report's findings and potential medical impacts that may occur. Three diamond mining companies found guilty; Anjin, Mining Diamond Company and Marange Resources.

marange hashtag on Twitter

Crushed elections

In 2013, the US-based investigation platform, 100 Reporters published a Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) document revealing how $ 1 billion in diamond revenue and support from companies including Mbada, Anjin and China Sonangol, will be invested in security measures and intelligence designed to settle elections. The article identifies China's role (including an official from the Chinese Communist Party), and allegations of bribery to leaders in SADC, dated May 2013, with the intent of making Mugabe the chairman. Immediately after the election, this happened. The CIO noted the specific steps taken to vote numerically: "Registering fewer than ten real voters on" one day by direct order from the Nikuv "and the Populating the voters' roll before, and during, the elections to counter the results unfavorable voting Registration and parallel mobilization of "statistical maneuvers, depopulation and hostile constituent populations", in coordination with the Clerk's Office and a Chinese Communist Party official identified in documents such as Chung Huwao, Blocking enrollment in parentheses 18-35, and register voters excessively in brackets aged 35 to 90 Using a housing scheme to "redirect beneficiaries" and record it on the voters list Deliberately eliminate registration of the Zimbabwe Election Commission by "security officers and lieutenants who are believed to suspend proceedings as advised by Nikuv ".

Scientific American: Surrounded by Diamonds, Villagers Go Hungry in Dr

Notes and references

marange hashtag on Twitter

Further reading

  • The return of bloody diamonds: miners at gunpoint in Zimbabwe, By Dan McDougall, Daily Mail Online, September 19, 2009.
  • The diamond dealers 'cheat' the Zim government, by Nelson Banya, Reuters, November 5, 2010.
  • 'Blood Diamonds' Zimbabwe is exposed by Wikileaks cable, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, December 10, 2010.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
