Fission track dating is a radiometric dating technique based on the analysis of trace damage, or traces, left by fission fragments in certain uranium-bearing minerals and glasses. Dating tracks are a relatively simple method of radiometric dating that has made a significant impact on understanding the thermal history of the continental crust, the timing of volcanic events, and the source and age of different archeological artifacts. This method involves the use of the number of fission events resulting from the spontaneous decay of uranium-238 in general accessory minerals to date when cooling the rocks below the closing temperature. The fission track is sensitive to heat, and therefore this technique is useful for uncovering the thermal evolution of rocks and minerals. Most current studies using fission tracks are intended to: a) understand the evolution of the mountain belt; b) determine the source or origin of the sediment; c) studying the thermal evolution of the basin; d) determine the age of strata that does not match the date; and e) the determination of the calendar and the origin of archeological artifacts.
Video Fission track dating
Unlike other isotope dating methods, "girls" in fission trace dating are effects in crystals rather than girls' isotopes. Uranium-238 undergoes spontaneous fission decay at a known level, and it is the only isotope with decay rate relevant to the significant production of natural fission tracks; Other isotopes have a fission decay rate too slow to be a consequence. Fragments emitted by this fission process leave traces of damage (fossil traces or ion traces) in mineral-uranium-containing crystalline structures. The production process of the trajectory is essentially the same as where the rapid heavy ions produce an ionic trace. The polished internal etching of the surface chemistry of these minerals indicates spontaneous fission pathways, and track density can be determined. Because the track is scratched relatively large (in the range 1 to 15 micrometers), the calculation can be done with an optical microscope, although other imaging techniques are used. The density of fossil traces correlates with the age of sample cooling and with uranium content, which needs to be independently determined.
To determine the uranium content, several methods have been used. One method is by irradiation of a neutron, in which the sample is irradiated with a thermal neutron in a nuclear reactor, with an external detector, such as a mica, attached to a grain surface. Neutron irradiation induces uranium-235 fission in the sample, and the resulting induced track is used to determine the uranium content of the sample because the 235 U: 238 ratio U is known and assumed to be constant in nature. To determine the number of induced fission events occurring during neutron irradiation an external detector is attached to the sample and both samples and detectors are simultaneously irradiated by thermal neutrons. The external detector is usually a low-mica uranium shale, but plastics like the CR-39 have also been used. The induced fission results from uranium-235 in the sample created an induced trace in the external detector thereon, which was then expressed by chemical etching. The ratio of spontaneous tracks to induction is proportional to age.
Another method for determining uranium concentration is through LA-ICPMS, a technique in which crystals are struck with laser light and ablated, and then the material is passed through a mass spectrometer.
Maps Fission track dating
Unlike many other dating techniques, fission-track dating is uniquely suited to determine low-temperature thermal events using common mineral accessories over a very wide geological range (typically 0.1 Ma to 2000 Ma). Apatite, sphene, zircon, micas and volcanic glass usually contain enough uranium for use in relatively young age (Mesozoic and Kenozoic) dating samples and are the most useful ingredients for this technique. In addition, low uranium uranium and garnet can be used for very old samples (Paleozoikum for Precambrian). The fission-track dating technique is widely used in understanding the thermal evolution of the upper crust, especially in mountain belts. Fission tracks are preserved in crystals when the ambient temperature of the rock falls below the annealing temperature. Annealing temperature varies from mineral to mineral and is the basis for determining low temperature vs. time history. While the closing temperature details are complicated, they are about 70-110 ° C for a typical apatite, c. 230 to 250 Â ° C for zircon, and c. 300 Â ° C for titanite.
Since heating the sample above the annealing temperature causes fission damage to heal or anneal, this technique is useful for determining the latest cooling events in the sample history. This clock reset can be used to investigate the thermal history of sedimentary deposits, excavation of kilometers scale caused by tectonism and erosion, low temperature metamorphic events, and geothermal venous formation. The fission path method has also been used to determine the current location and archeological artifacts. It was used to confirm the potassium-argon date for the sediment at Olduvai Gorge.
Purity analysis of detrital granules
A number of minerals that can be recorded as a general detrital grain in sandstones, and if the strata has not been buried too deep, these minerals store information about source rock. The analysis of this mineral fission track provides information about the thermal evolution of source rock and can therefore be used to understand the origin and evolution of mountain belts that shed sediment. This technique of detrital analysis is most commonly applied to zircon because it is very common and strong in sediment systems, and in addition it has a relatively high annealing temperature so that in many crystal sedimentary basins it is not reset by later heating.
The fiscal tracing of the zircon detrital is a widely used analytical tool used to understand the tectonic evolution of the source field which has left a long and continuous record of erosion in adjacent strata basins. Preliminary studies focused on using the age of cooling in the zircon detrital of the stratigraphic sequence to document the time and rate of rock erosion in adjacent orogenic belts (mountains). A number of recent studies have combined U/Pb and/or Helium dating (U Th/He) on single crystals to document the specific history of individual crystals. This double dating approach is a very powerful evi- dence because almost complete crystal history can be obtained, and hence the researcher can determine a particular source area with a different geological history with relative certainty. The age-zones of the zircon detrital can be as young as 1 Ma until as old as 2000 Ma.
Further reading
Source of the article : Wikipedia