Engagement , engagement , or fiancer is a promise to marry, as well as a period between marriage and marriage applications. During this period, couples are said to be engaged, intended , allied , engaged to marry, or simply engaged . Future bride and groom candidate can be called engaged , a future wife <-i or husband candidate , fiancÃÆ' Â © e or fiancÃÆ' Â © (from the French word with the same form), respectively. The duration of courtship varies greatly, and is strongly dependent on cultural norms or on the agreement of the parties involved.
Long engagements were once commonplace in formally arranged marriages, and it is not uncommon for parents to risk children to arrange marriages for many years before a married couple is old enough. This is still common in some countries.
Video Engagement
The origins of European involvement in the practice of marriage are found in Jewish law (Torah), first exemplified by Abraham, and described in the final Talmudic tract of the order of Nashim (Women), where marriage consists of two separate acts, called erusin (or kiddushin , which means consecration ), which is an engagement ceremony, and nissu'in or chupah , the actual wedding ceremony. Erusin changed the interpersonal status of the couple, while nissu'in brought legal consequences of the status change. (However, in the Talmud and other Jewish legal sources there is also a process, called kiddushin, in accordance with what is called today's engagement Married without such a treaty is considered immoral To complicate matters, ius erusin in modern Hebrew means engagement, not engagement.)
It was later adopted in Ancient Greece as a ritual of gamos and engeysis, though unlike in Judaism, contracts made in front of witnesses were merely verbal. The granting of the ring was eventually borrowed from Judaism by Roman marriage law, with the fiancé who presented it after the oath of marriage, and presented the prize at the engagement party.
Maps Engagement
Engagement (also called espousal ) is the formal engagement status for marrying.
In Jewish marriages during the Talmudic period (1st century BC - 6th century), two engagement ceremonies (erusin ) and marriage usually lasted up to a year apart; the bride lives with her parents until the actual wedding ceremony ( nissuin ), which will take place in a room or tent prepared by the groom for her. Since the Middle Ages two ceremonies have taken place as a joint ceremony conducted in public. The engagement is now generally part of a Jewish wedding ceremony, performed when the groom gives the bridal ring or other object at least a nominal value. As mentioned above, the engagement within Judaism is separate from involvement; breaking the engagement requires an official divorce, and breach of engagement is considered adultery.
The general steps of the match are as follows:
- The match negotiations, usually done by couples families with brides who have varying levels of input, from no input, to veto power, to a fuller vote in the election of married couples.
- This is not widely practiced as it is historically, although it is still common in conservative cultural communities in Israel, India, Africa, and Persian Gulf countries, although most have a requirement that the bride is at least a veto permitted.
- Negotiate the price of the bride or dowry
- In most cultures that evolved from Europe, the price of the bride or dowry is lowered to the engagement ring that accompanies the marriage contract, while in other cultures, such as in the Arabian Peninsula, they are still part of marriage negotiations. contract.
- Blessings by parents and pastors
- Sworn Alteration and Contract Signing
- Often one is omitted
- Celebration
The exact engagement duration varies according to the culture and the needs and desires of the participants. For adults, it may be anywhere from a few hours (when the engagement is put into the wedding day itself) for a period of several years. One year and one day common in today's neo-pagan group. In the case of a child's marriage, the engagement may last from infancy to marriage.
The responsibilities and privileges of engagement vary. In most cultures, couples are expected to spend a lot of time together, learn each other. In some historical cultures (including colonial North America), engagement is essentially a trial marriage, with marriage only necessary in cases of a child's conception. Almost all cultures relax the prohibition against physical contact between couples, even in cultures that usually have a strong prohibition against them. The engagement period is also considered a preparatory time, in which the groom builds a house, starts a business or proves his readiness to enter an adult society.
In medieval Europe, in canon law, engagement can be formed by the swearing exchange of oaths in the tense future ("I will take you as wife/husband," instead of "I consider you as a wife/husband"), but sexual relations fulfill the promise, marriage that is binding rather than engagement. Although this engagement can be summed up with only the vows spoken by the couple, they have legal implications: Richard III of England had his sons' children declared invalid on the grounds that their father had been engaged to another woman when he married their mother.
Engagement is considered a 'semi-binding' contract. The normal reasons for cancellation of engagement include:
- Revelation of previous commitment or marriage
- Evidence of the affair
- Failure to get pregnant (in 'marriage trial' culture)
- Failure of either party to comply with financial and property terms of the engagement contract
Typically, one party may breach the engagement, although some financial penalties (such as the loss of the bride price) usually apply. In some countries of common law, including England and Wales and many US states, it is possible for a denied partner (often just a woman) to sue the other for a promise or "caution" offense. This provides protection at an age where virginity is considered important and having a failed engagement can damage a person's reputation, but this error has become obsolete in most areas because attitudes toward premarital sex have softened and the emphasis shifts to allow people to leave relationships without love..
Protestant Churches
The Engagement Ritual in the Anglican Communion is found in the Book of Common Prayer, first published in 1549. The Anglican Communion, as well as the Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church, have questions & amp; responses to family members in their Engagement Ritual.
Orthodox Church
In Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Engagement Rite is traditionally performed at the church's narthex, to show the couple's first entrance into the married land. The priest blessed the couple and gave them a candle to hold. Then, after litany, and prayer where everyone bowed, he placed the bride ring on the ring finger of the groom's right hand, and the groom's ring on the bridal finger. The rings are then exchanged three times, either by the priest or by the best man, after which the priest says the last prayer. Initially, the engagement service will be made at the time the engagement is announced. These days, however, it tends to be done immediately before the wedding ceremony itself. Ring exchange is not part of wedding services in Eastern Churches, but only happens to engagements. Traditionally, the groom's ring is gold and the bride's ring is silver.
Roman Catholic Church
Historically, engagements in Roman Catholicism are formal contracts that are considered binding as marriages, and divorce is necessary to end the engagement. The engaged couple is considered legitimate as husband and wife - even before their marriage and physical union. The concept of a period of formal involvement in Western European culture may have begun in 1215 at the Fourth Lateran Council, led by Pope Innocent III, which stipulates that "marriages must be... publicly announced in the churches by priests during suitable times. and a fixed time so that, if legitimate obstacles exist, they can be known. "The church's official announcement of marriage intentions is known as bann. In some jurisdictions, reading bann can be part of a legitimate marriage type.
Engagement rings
Customs for engagement rings vary according to time, place, and culture. The engagement ring is historically uncommon, and when such a gift is given, it is separate from the wedding ring.
The first recorded tradition of giving the ring to marriage is in Genesis 24:22 of the Hebrew Bible when the golden nose ring (Chayei Sarah 24:22) was given by Eliezer from Damascus to Rebecca, with Saadiah Gaon also quoting as a possible source of practice in the phrase in Nehemiah 7:46 be'nei tabbaot (children of the ring). The last case refers to engagement (see above) rather than involvement; one of three ways in which the engagement can be made in Judaism is by the husband giving the bride or grocer's money at least a nominal value. In fact, this is a long-standing practice in Judaism to tie an engagement to a ring.
Romantic rings from the times of the Roman Empire sometimes took the hand that symbolized the contract, from which then the Celtic symbol Claddagh (two hands that grasped the heart) may have evolved as a symbol of love and commitment between two people. Romans believe that the circle is a bond between two men who will marry and signify immortality, but was first practiced on the fourth little finger by the Romans, who believed this finger to be the beginning of an amorous vein ("vein of love" ), a blood vessel that leads to the heart. In cultures with European origin, and many other countries, engagement rings are worn following the Roman practice of "... wearing a fine ring on the right middle finger or left finger [4], from which, according to the ancient Egyptian doctor, the nerve leads directly to the heart. "The custom on the Continent of Europe and other countries is wearing it in the right hand. One historical exception arises in a monarchical regime, where a nobleman enters a morganic marriage, a marriage in which a man, usually a woman, from a lower rank remains on the same rank instead of a rising rank, will offer their left hand to accept the ring, the alternative term 'marriage with the left hand' (Ger. Ehe zur linken Hand ), such breeds of marriage are deemed not to be inherited from birth.
The modern Western form of the practice of giving or exchanging engagement rings has traditionally been considered to have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, gave Mary of Burgundy the diamond ring as an engagement gift.
In other countries such as Argentina, men and women each wear a ring similar to a wedding ring. They are made of silver ("alianza de plata") when it manifests an informal "girlfriend" relationship, although this first step may not always be the case; however dependent on finances, this may be the only ring given at all. The golden ribbon ("anillo de compromiso" or "alianza de oro") is given to the bride when her formal commitment and the [optional] ("cintillo") ring are reserved for the wedding ceremony when the groom gives it to the bride. The gold band worn by the groom during the engagement - or the new one, as some men choose not to wear it during the engagement - then given to the bridegroom by the bride; and the bride received both the original gold ribbon and the new diamonds at the ceremony. Bridal bridal rings are worn over the engagement bands at weddings and afterwards, especially on formal occasions or parties; if not, the engagement tape is enough to wear every day for both sides. At the wedding, the rings are swapped from right to left hand. In Brazil, they are always made of gold, and there is no tradition for engagement rings. Both men and women wear wedding rings in their right hand when engaged, and, after they get married, they shift the ring to their left hand. In Nordic countries like Finland and Norway, both men and women wear engagement rings.
In the modern era, some women's wedding rings are made into two separate parts. One part was given to him to be used as an engagement ring when he received a marriage proposal and the other during the wedding ceremony. When worn together, the two rings look like a piece of jewelry. Engagement rings are not worn during the wedding ceremony, when the wedding ring is put by the groom on the bridal finger, and sometimes by the bride to the groom's finger. After the wedding, the engagement ring is reassembled, and usually worn outside the wedding ring.
Engagement party
Some engagement was announced at the engagement party, traditionally hosted by the bride's parents. These parties are given in the usual family entertainment style. Traditionally, engagement parties are normal parties where a surprise announcement about the engagement was made by the bride's dad to her guests. Therefore, this is not a traditional gift giving event because no guests should be aware of the engagement until after their arrival.
In modern times, engagement parties often celebrate previously published engagements. Whether a gift is given at this engagement party varies from culture to culture.
Source of the article : Wikipedia