Beryl ( BERR -? l ) is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate with chemical formula Be 3 Al 2 (SiO 3 ) 6 . The famous beryl varieties include emeralds and aquamarine. Naturally, the beryl hexagonal crystals can reach several meters, but the crystal is stopped relatively rarely. Pure beryl is colorless, but is often colored by dirt; possible colors are green, blue, yellow, red (rarest), and white. Beryl is also a source of beryllium ore.
Video Beryl
The name "beryl" comes (via Latin: beryllus , French Ancient: beryl , and Central English: beryl ) from the Greek ???????? beryllos which refers to "precious blue-green-sea-colored rocks"; similar to Prakrit verulia , veluriya ("beryl"). The term was later adopted for more exclusive beryl minerals.
When the first glasses were built in the 13th century Italy, the lenses are made of beryl (or stone crystals) because the glass can not be made clear enough. As a result, the glasses are named Brillen in German (bril in the Netherlands and Briller in Denmark).
Maps Beryl
Beryl of various colors found most commonly in granite pegmatites, but also occurs in mika schists in the Ural Mountains, and limestone in Colombia. Beryl is often associated with tin ore and tungsten bodies. Beryl is found in Europe in Norway, Austria, Germany, Sweden (mainly morganite), Ireland and Russia, as well as Brazil, Colombia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Africa, USA, and Zambia. US beryl locations are located in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah.
The New England Pegmatites have produced some of the largest beryls found, including one large crystal from Quarry Bumpus in Albany, Maine with dimensions of 5.5 x 1.2 m (18.0 x 3.9 ft) with a mass of about 18 metric tons; it is a mineral state of New Hampshire. In 1999, the largest natural-scaled mineral crystal ever to exist in the world was the beryl crystals of Malakialina, Madagascar, 18 m (59 ft) long and 3.5 m (11 ft) long, and weighed 380,000 kg (840,000 lb).
Behavior and crystal structure
Beryl termasuk dalam sistem kristal heksagonal. Biasanya Beril membentuk kolom heksagonal tetapi juga dapat terjadi dalam kebiasaan besar. Sebagai cyclosilicate beryl menggabungkan cincin tetrahedra silikat yang disusun dalam kolom sepanjang sumbu C dan sebagai lapisan paralel tegak lurus terhadap sumbu C, membentuk saluran sepanjang sumbu C. Saluran ini memungkinkan berbagai ion, atom netral, dan molekul untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kristal sehingga mengganggu muatan keseluruhan dari kristal yang memungkinkan substitusi lebih lanjut di situs Aluminium, Silikon, dan Berilium dalam struktur kristal. Kotoran ini menimbulkan berbagai warna beril yang dapat ditemukan. Peningkatan konten alkali dalam saluran cincin silikat menyebabkan peningkatan indeks bias dan birefringence.