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DC Histories: Alan Scott (Green Lantern I)

Alan Scott is a fictional superhero who appeared in American comic books published by DC Comics, and the first character to be named Green Lantern . He fights crime with the help of a magic ring that gives him various powers. He was created by Martin Nodell first appeared in comic book All-American Comics # 16 , published in 1940. The original design is based on Alan Ladd.

Alan Scott was created after Nodell became inspired by the characters of the Greek and Norse myths, who sought to create a popular entertainment character against the evil with the help of a magical ring that gave him supernatural powers. After debuting at All-American Comics , Alan Scott soon became popular enough to defend his own comic book, Green Lantern . Around this time DC also began experimenting with a fictitious crossover between characters, leading to a shared character universe. As one of the most popular heroes of publishers, Alan became a founding member of the Justice Society of America, one of the first teams of "mysterious men" or superheroes in comic books.

After World War II, the popularity of characters began to fade with the decline of the Golden Age of Comic Books, which led to the cancellation. After 12 years of not printing, DC chose to rediscover Green Lantern as a science fiction hero of Hal Jordan in 1959. Later, DC will return to visit Alan Scott, establishing that Alan and Hal are the Green Lanterns of two different parallel worlds, with Alan staying on Earth-Two and Things on Earth-One. The story posted on Earth-Two afterwards shows that Alan fathered two superhero boys, the Obsidian and Jade twins, each with little power like hers. When in 1985 DC chose to reboot its internal continuity, it combined the world of Earth-One and Earth-Two, and Alan re-conceptualized as an elder statesman of the DC Universe, the miraculous Green Lantern of the previous generation that coexisted with more fictional heroes scientific from Green Lantern Corps. When DC brought back the concept of its internal Multiverse in the 2000s, it reintroduced a new version of Alan in the new Earth-Two, this time as a gay man and media conglomerate owner whose magical powers came from his role as the champion of Green, the entity that embodies the life of plants on Earth.

Video Alan Scott

Publishing history

The original Green Lantern was created by an American artist named Martin Nodell. Nodell mentions the opera cycle of Richard Wagner The Ring of the Nibelung and views of the green train train lanterns as his inspiration. After seeing this opera, Nodell tries to create a super hero who holds the magical powers of the magic ring, which are regularly recharged from the green lantern. Nodell wants a colorful and interesting costume for his character, which comes from Greek mythological elements. As Nodell remembers in an endless interview, the last day,

When I send it, I wait in the second week before I hear a word to enter. I was escorted to the office and Mr. publisher. [Max] Gaines, and after a long sitting and flipping through the pages of my presentation, he announced, "We love it!" And then, "Go to work!" I did the first five pages of an eight-page story, and then they called Bill Finger to help. We worked for seven years [until 1947].

Nodell chose the name "Alan Scott" by flipping through a New York phone book until he got two names that he liked.

Character Alan Scott made his debut at All-American Comics # 16 (July 1940), fighting crime under the masked identity of "Green Lantern". She also appeared as part of the superhero team of the Justice Society of America at All Star Comics # 3 (Winter 1940). He served as chairman of both teams at # 7, but departed after the trouble and returned a few years later, remains a regular character. His criminals tend to be ordinary humans, but he has some paranormal, such as perpetual Vandal Savage and Solomon Grundy zombies. Green Lantern proved popular and was given its own series, Green Lantern , later that year. Most of his adventures are arranged in New York.

In 1941, Alan Scott was paired with a sidekick named Doiby Dickles, a Brooklyn taxi driver, who would appear regularly until 1949. In 1948, Alan also got a close friend of dog named Streak. The dog proved so popular that he starred in his own solo side story.

After World War 2, superheroes declined in popularity. Green Lantern was canceled in 1949 after 38 issues and All-American Comics dropped the super hero by western. The last Golden Age appearance from Alan Scott is at All-Star Comics # 57 (1951). He remained out of publication for 12 years, and even after his revival he never got another solo series.

In 1959, DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz rediscovered Green Lantern as a science fiction hero. The new Green Lantern, named Hal Jordan, is empowered by the alien master to serve as an interstellar lawn and has many space-managed adventures. His power is similar to Alan, but he really is not related at all - Alan Scott has never existed as far as new stories are concerned. Hal Jordan proved popular, but readers are still interested in the old Green Lantern. A few years later, Alan Scott reappeared as a guest star on The Flash # 137 (1963). To avoid a continuity conflict with the character of Hal Jordan, Alan Scott and all his old stories are written as coming from a parallel universe. For much of the 1960s and 1970s, Alan Scott made guest appearances in the books belonging to the Silver Age characters, visiting their universe through magical or technological means. In 1976, he appeared regularly with his friends at the Justice Society in reviving All-Star Comics and later Adventure Comics in a story made in the 1970s. In 1981, DC Comics launched the All-Star Squadron , featuring Alan Scott and the Justice Society in a World War 2 setting.

In 1986, the editors at DC Comics decided that all of its characters must be in the same settings and influence this change with the Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries. Alan Scott now shares the same fictional world as Hal Jordan. DC Comics decided to write a character from continuity in a one-shot book entitled The Last Day of the Justice Society, where it "forever" gets caught up in an extra-dimensional world. The character was brought back in the 1990s due to fan interest. Instead of renewing Alan Scott as a young contemporary hero like the one he had done with Batman and Superman, Alan Scott was instead written as a veteran of World War 2 with a miraculous long life. To distinguish Alan Scott from Hal Jordan, his codename superhero was for a time turned into a "Sentinel" and he lost his magic ring, manifesting his strength through his shining hand instead. In JSA # 50 (2003) she regained her codename and classic ring, even though she remained separate from Halya Green Corps Corps in Hal Jordan. He is an ordinary character at JSA and Justice Society of America.

In 2011, DC Comics again rebooted its fictional properties, and the new version of Alan Scott is once again in Earth-2, where Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps do not exist. The new Alan Scott is no longer a grizzled World War 2 veteran, but a fresh young hero. She first appeared in Earth 2 # 3 (2012) with a completely redesigned, completely redesigned green suit.

Maps Alan Scott

Fictional character biography

Golden and Silver Ages


Thousands of years ago, mystical "green flame" fell to Earth in ancient China as a meteor. The voice in the flame predicts that it will act three times: once to bring death, once to live, and once to bring strength. For the first prophecy, lampmakers make metallic metals become lights. In fear and as punishment for what they thought was a blasphemy, local villagers killed him, only to be destroyed by a sudden burst of green fire. For the latter, in modern times, lights fall into the hands of a patient from a mental institution that makes lights into modern train lanterns. The green fire returns him to sanity and gives him a new life. For the third, in 1940, after having fulfilled two-thirds of this prophecy, the lanterns made from metallic metals fell into the hands of Alan Scott, a young railroad engineer. After the railway bridge collapsed, the flames commanded Scott to make a ring of metal, to give him fantastic power as a Green Lantern hero. She adopted a red, purple, yellow, and brown costume. He became a villain in his first adventure, defeating the villain who caused the accident. He also discovered the weakness of his power against the wood when he was hit with a club. Alan is a founding member of the Justice Society of America, and is the second chairman.

Scott uses his ring to fly, walking through solids by "moving through the fourth dimension", paralyzing or blinding people for a while, hypnotizing them, making energy rays, melting metals like with a welding torch, and causing dangerous sparkling objects, among others. something. It can also allow him and others to travel time. Sometimes, he uses it to read minds or create solid objects and force fields in a way normally associated with fellow Green Lantern Hal Jordan. The ring can protect it from anything made of metal, but it will not protect it from wood-based or plant-based objects.

During the 1940s, Green Lantern seemed to alternate between serious adventures, especially when Solomon Grundy, his arch-rivals, emerged and a light comedy, usually involving his sidekick, Doiby Dickles. Toward the end of his Golden Age adventure, he was reduced to the role of a close friend of Streak the Wonder Dog, a brave dog in Rin-Tin-Tin and Lassie prints.

In All-American Comics # 38, it was revealed the middle name was Wellington - Napoleon was defeated by Wellington.

Justice Society of America

Part of Scott's early history is filled with retroactive continuity. All-Star Squadron Annual # 3 states that JSA fought the villain Ian Karkull, who accidentally gave them life energy stolen from an innocent victim. The energy slows down their aging, allowing Scott and several other members, as well as their spouses, to remain active into the late 20th century without disability. The incident also caused Scott, who failed to rescue the victim from whom energy was stolen, took leave from JSA, explaining why the character vanished from the list for a while.

Scott was a member of the Justice Society of America in 1951 when the team was investigated by the "Joint Congressional Un-American Activities Committee," a fictitious organization based on the House Committee on Real-Life Sufferers. They are alleged to be communist sympathizers and asked to reveal their identities. The members rejected the offer, and many members retired in the 1950s.

The team is reshaping in the 1960s with Scott as a member, although little is known about their adventures during this time, except the story of their team with the Justice League of America, Earth-One parallel world, and the cross-Adventure universe of Scott sharing with Earth-One Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.


It was finally revealed that in the late 1960s that Scott married a woman with a double identity of Rose and Thorn. Both have a pair of children who will grow into super heroes Jade and Obsidian from Infinity, Inc. team.

In the 1980s, Scott married his former renewed enemies, Molly Mayne, also known as The Harlequin, reconciled with his son and daughter.

Post- Unlimited Crisis on Earth

The one-shot The Last Days of the Justice Society of America Special (1986) tells how Adolf Hitler caused a huge wave of destructive energy to erupt Earth's post Crisis in 1945. Scott and JSA, fresh from burying Earth-Two of their friends Robin and Huntress, go into the limbo dimension to fight the eternal recurrent Ragnarok.

Green Lantern vol 3 # 19 attempts to retcon Alan Scott and power ring to accommodate the changes made by Crisis on Infinite Earths . In this story, Alan's ring originally belonged to Green Lantern named Yalan Gur, which was greatly favored by the Guardians of the Universe that they removed the yellow impurities from his ring (the Guardian deliberately placed in all GL rings to limit their strength and can be removed at their discretion). However, Yalan Gur abused his power and disrupted the ancient Chinese population. The Guardians then replaced the wooden weakness that allowed local farmers to attack successfully and wounded Yalan with a simple wooden stick. Yalan flew to the sky and went on a rampage against the Guardians. His body was burning in the atmosphere, becoming a metallic metallic meteorite that eventually became the lantern of Alan Scott. The Yalan Spirit also has metal, promising death in anger and life when he realizes his mistake (the first two prophecies of green metal, which are filled). When Alan received a lantern, the spirit directed Alan to create a ring of strength and persona Green Lantern, complete with a wooden ring weakness.

The Return

Through the Waverider intrigue, JSA teammates were able to leave limbo and start living on the post-Crisis Earth they are striving to save. This mini series was followed by Justice Society of America (1992-1993), which shows how Alan Scott adapts to his new world. In the short series, JSA fights the latest incarnation of Ultra-Humanite and Pol St. Germain and Kulak the Sorcerer. Scott reconnected with his wife and children, stating in issue # 1 that Molly "pretty much handled things at the company..." and that Jade and Obsidian "... are doing fine on their own in Hollywood. Not too interested in becoming a super hero. "The series ends in # 10, not with team dissolution, but with members gathering together at their first formal meeting after returning home.

Alan follows Guy Gardner and a small group of heroes to investigate the mysterious disturbance of Oa, only to be defeated by Hal Jordan, who now calls himself Parallax, has been driven furiously after the destruction of his Coast City home. After the confrontation, Alan discovers that an artist, Kyle Rayner, inherits the remaining Green Lantern ring. After meeting the young hero, he informs him of the situation with Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. During the Zero Hour show, Alan watched the culprits Ada Ada paralyze and kill some of his JSA teammates. After suffering a defeat by the villain, Alan gives Kyle the original ring, passing the name "Green Lantern" to him. Alan's rings are then destroyed by Parallax.

For a while, Starheart became part of Scott's body and he adopted the name Sentinel , became a founding member of the new JSA. Thanks to Starheart's rejuvenating nature, Scott's physical body was once again revitalized so that he resembled a man in his 30s or early 40s. This encourages his wife, Molly, who has not been affected, to sell his soul to Neron demon in exchange for youth. Alan entered the demon world, with the help of entities like Phantom Stranger and Zatanna, and, with the help of Kyle Rayner, succeeded in winning Molly's soul back, reuniting the essence of Molly with a soulless creature.

Since then he has been physically changed again so that he is more like his original chronological age. He again used the name "Green Lantern" during JSA's battle with Mordru. He continues to combat crime in his original costume identity, rebuild a ring and serve as an elder statesman to the Justice Society of America and the community of superheroes in general.

In Green Lantern: Rebirth , Alan and his daughter Jade help the surviving Green Lantern Corps member, Hal Jordan, who has been possessed by Parallax's ancient fearful entities, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner and Kilowog , in defeating Ganthet owned by Parallax. Alan is getting weaker because of Parallax's failed attempt to control it as did Jordan, Stewart, Gardner, and Kilowog, so he decides to kill him. However, Jordan, with the help of The Spectre, freed himself from Parallax's influence, and saved Alan from the fear entity.

During the Rann-Thanagar War, Kyle Rayner's power ring revealed that Scott was an honorary member of the Green Lantern Corps.

Unlimited Crisis and 52

During Infinite Crisis, Scott and his daughter Jade, along with many others, traveled with Donna Troy to the center of the universe to save him from Alexander Luthor, Jr. Although they succeed in saving the universe, Jade dies on this mission. A year later, Scott is still active and relatively young compared to his true age, but now wearing a blindfold has lost his eyes in a Zeta beam transporter accident when returning from space. Although Scott lost his daughter, he told Kyle Rayner that he still has a good family through close relationships and friendships, among which he counts Kyle.

Week 4 of the maxi-series revealed that Scott lost his left eye during a period when he and several other superheroes were declared missing about 11 months before the Checkmate # 1. The expected Zeta Beam by Adam Strange to move the heroes away from space-time ripples caused by the actions of Alexander Luthor, Jr. split by the ripple itself, destroying the heroes in various ways.

On Sunday 5th, Alan went to Animal Man's wife and daughter to tell them that Animal Man is lost in outer space. This gave Ellen Baker more hope that her husband was alive.

On Sunday 29th, Alan, Wildcat, and Jay Garrick (Flash) were the only members of JSA who were present on Thanksgiving Day. They talk about other members of JSA and about the new Infinity Inc, which is a new version of Alan's daughter team, Jade, is a member.

After being put into a coma during the attack by Gentleman Ghost, Alan imagines Jade, who tells him goodbye and gives him another part of his green energy. His missing eyes are replaced by glowing green spheres which, due to their mystical origins and connection with Jade, allow him to trace the form of astral and mystical energy like a ghost.

One Year Later

During the lost year, Scott has joined Checkmate in the White King rank, with his JSA teammate Mister Terrific as his bishop. Scott soon found himself in a moral conflict with Sasha Bordeaux's Black Queen Sasha Bordeaux for the violent nature of Checkmate, especially after Bordeaux and his team massacred dozens of Cobra agents during a raid at a facility. Bordeaux argues that the purpose justifies the way, while Scott adheres to the principle that a hero should not kill unless absolutely necessary. Bordeaux responded by suggesting that Scott had resigned. Along with these internal conflicts, Scott and the White Queen (Amanda Waller) try to keep the organization from being stopped by political power.

After the advent of Gog, Alan Scott became an ally with members of the Justice Society who opposed Gog's view of the world. However, after meeting with the Justice Society of an alternate universe where his daughter Jade is alive, she considers asking a creature that seems very strong to raise her daughter from death. Later, Sandman knew that Gog was looting himself into Earth, and if he stayed one day longer, Earth would not be able to survive without him. The rest of JSA arrived to kill Gog by separating his head from Earth, which is the only way to save the planet. Members of the Society allied themselves with Gog in an attempt to protect him until they saw him trying to attack members of the Society. All Gog followers, including Magog, turned it on, causing Gog's blessing on them to be canceled. JSA was able to overthrow Gog and send him to Source Wall, but Alan could not see his daughter.

In the end of the crisis, Alan leads the resistance against Darkseid's army as one of the superheroes responding to Article X. In the end of crisis, he is shown defending the Swiss Checkmate headquarters of Justifiers. Though Donna Troy tries to put Justifier's helmet on her, Hawkman rescues her.

In the Crossover Night crossover, Alan and the rest of the JSA battle, the revived Kal-L and Black Lantern versions of the dead Justice Society members. After Jakeem Thunder was eliminated, Alan was one of the heroes who added his strength to "Black Lantern Bomb" designed to emulate Jakeem's Thunderbolt capabilities, destroying all Black Lanterns in New York. In the final battle of the event, his daughter Jade is awakened by the power of white light.

Light Day

At the beginning of Crossover Day crossover, Alan is in Obsidian's arms, convulsions and writhing as green light flows from his body. His body was possessed, Alan flew with his JSA friends in pursuit, eventually leading the team to Germany. JSA meets the new Justice League and finds that Jade, who has lived in Oa since his resurrection, has returned to Earth in a green meteor, later revealed to be the legendary Starheart who gave Alan his strength. Sebastian Faust told both teams that Starheart has gradually been in control of the people on Earth for some time. Now on Earth, it grows stronger and drives metahumans around the crazy world. Jade states that Starheart caught him in space and deliberately took him to Earth to find Alan and it was his fault that his father was now in danger. Just then, Alan wakes up and his costume turns into a suit of armor identical to the one he's wearing in Kingdom Come, and he then tells the assembled heroes that he intends to destroy the world.

Starman was sent into space to search for Alan, and discovered that Alan had built a huge castle on the lunar surface. Before Starman could warn the others, Alan appeared in front of him and tore the gem, the source of his ability, from his chest, thus making him helpless. The Starheart uses its influence to destroy various metahumans with magical or elemental ability, which creates chaos throughout the world. Realizing that the heroes must defeat Alan to end the chaos, Batman recruits Miss Martian to get the mental key on Starman, who, in turn, provides the Justice League with Alan's location. Batman then gathers a small force composed of him, Jade, Hourman, Donna Troy, Jesse Quick, and Mr. America, all of whom have a low chance to be possessed by Starheart. Mister Miracle arrives and informs the team that Alan is likely to have installed the Fourth World defense at his base and offers to use his knowledge of the technology to guide them through the castle. When they finally find it, Jade uses his power to restore Alan to normal. With his sanity recovering, Alan chooses to allow the Emerald City he created on the moon to stay, and the city is inhabited by various magical creatures from across the DCU.

After the Light Day event, Alan and the rest of the JSA traveled to the city of Point Monument, which has been attacked by a superpower terrorist named Scythe. Just before it was defeated, Scythe clamped Alan's neck. In the next story, it was revealed that Scythe was a genetically engineered product of the Nazis, and that Alan and Jay had been assigned by the president by killing the experiment back when he was an infant during the Second World War. The two heroes could not agree. on an action, and, as a result, Scythe is allowed to live. The Mid-Nite doctor found that Alan's injury had paralyzed him, and any attempt to heal himself could break his constant concentration, which could cause Starheart to once again regain control of his body.

Jade visits his sleeping father in Emerald City, and offers to use his ability to help him walk again. Alan declined his daughter's offer, reasoning that if Starheart once again took over his body, it could result in the death of everyone in the city. Eclipso attacked the city, which resulted in Jesse Quick having to make Alan survive. After taking over Jade, Eclipso has the heart power of stars then lost and has a Champions League reserve list, and then injures Zauriel angels. With the number of League Justice outnumbered, Eclipso then reveals his ultimate goal is to somehow kill God. Eclipso then tortures Zauriel, causing his cries to attract the attention of the new Specters, Crispus Allen, whom he killed, absorbing the power of the Specters at his death. With his new ability, Eclipso reveals that God relies on the collective love of humanity to survive, and that by destroying the Earth, Eclipso will eventually kill God once and for all. Just as the JLA members prepare to counter-attack, Eclipso destroys the moon, apparently bumping into all life on Earth. With the moon crumbling, Eclipso then apparently kills Donna Troy, the remaining Justice League member physically strongest. However, it was eventually revealed that Donna's death was an illusion that was wicked by Saint Walker, who used her blue power ring to temporarily trap Eclipso in a state of euphoria. After Atom and Starman broke Eclipso's relationship with his brainwashed slaves, the combined heroes attacked the Eclipso together, defeating him. It was later discovered that Jade and Obsidian were now in proximity to each other again and their father controlled Starheart again.

Then, JSA tries to bring down D'arken criminals who have been released from prison under Monument Point and absorb the power of JSA members, but D'arken is too strong. Because this is just a non-superpower and magical member who fights D'arken. JSA told Alan that releasing Starheart was the only way to destroy D'arken. However, after releasing Starheart's energy, Alan's body starts to burn. After that, JSA attended the funeral for Alan, who they believed was dead.

Alan Scott - The Sentinal by Superman8193 on DeviantArt

Strength and ability

Alan Scott uses a magic ring that can produce various effects. The level of the ability of the ring is never determined strictly, but the three consistent traits are that it allows him to fly, that the effect is accompanied by a green light, and that he can not directly affect anything made of wood.

In Scott's first appearance, his body will glow green or be bathed with a green light every time he uses his power, such as through walls or flying. During his earliest appearance, he will project a beam of green light from his ring that can do things like move objects, melt metal, shrink objects, or extinguish the fire. He rarely uses it as a real weapon and prefers to fight with his fists like any other warrior hero. The ring made him immune to any weapon that was not made of wood.

In his next appearance, he begins to conjure solid objects. These objects can be shapes and sizes such as: swords for cutting ropes, chains to bind prisoners, parachutes to slow down their fall, and fists without bodies to defeat their enemies. But they are always pure green and will disappear as soon as he stops concentrating on them. Alan controls these objects telekinetik. Conjured objects, later referred to as "constructions", will be the signature power of Green Lanterns in the coming decades.

At the beginning of many stories, Alan fills his ring by touching it to a green lantern, which will give him 24 hours (regardless of how hard he uses it).

Alan's rings do not affect anything made of wood or plant material. He can conjure up a green shield to block bullets, but a wood club will pass through easily. Solomon Grundy, a zombie whose body is partly made of swamp material, is very resistant to Alan's strength.

In the mid-1980s, DC merged Alan Scott and Hal Jordan into a common arrangement and abolished the parallel universe of narration. Since these two characters are unrelated, the authors alter the power of Alan to distinguish him from Hal. Alan's construction is now lined with green fire, highlighting its magical (and not technological) properties. He physically joins his lantern, which means he no longer needs to recharge as Hal needed. In 1995, he lost his magical ring but learned to manifest his power through his shining hand instead (this change is reversed at JSA # 50).

At first, Alan's power is vaguely connected to the mystical powers of the living world; "green, like plants, things are growing!". In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC continuity. In this new timeline, this mystical relationship with the living world is firmly established, with Alan Scott's Earth-2 resources being Green, which is also the source of Swamp Thing's abilities.

Other versions

Earth 2

Alan was reintroduced in the 1st edition of Earth 2 as the young dynamic head of GBC production on Earth 2 (the parallel world in DC Multiverse). On June 1, 2012, DC announced that Scott would redecorate as a gay man. In 3rd edition, Scott is revealed to have a boyfriend named Sam, who he wants to make while on vacation in China. Before he could do so, the train the couple traveled was suddenly destroyed. The mysterious green fire protects Scott and heals him; a bodyless voice tells him that the accident was caused by forces that threaten the whole world, and that Sam does not survive. Scott who sobbed then was told that he would be given the power to avenge his love and protect the world. The flame creates a costume for him, and forms Sam's engagement ring into a power ring with which Scott can harness his power. Regenerated as Green Lantern, Scott goes on to help survivors and swears revenge for Sam. This Green Lantern version is associated with The Green, the mystical world/entity that connects all botanical life on Earth.

Royal Came

In the limited Kingdom Come series by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, Alan is the only Green Lantern on Earth. He lives in an orbital space station called New Oa that he protects Earth from alien attacks, and has stopped interfering in human affairs. When Superman stepped out of retirement, he rejoined the Justice League to help suppress the super-mischievous humans that caused worldwide chaos. After the crisis was resolved, he joined the United Nations as a sovereign New Oa state ambassador.

Alan Scott's costume in this series is styled after the full platoon armor of medieval knights. In ordinary books, he has been wearing this armor on several occasions when he uses vast amounts of power.

JSA: The Unholy Three

Another version of Alan Scott looks briefly at JSA: The Unholy Three as a post-WW2 agent called Lantern whose use of power rings is invaluable to the intelligence community for its ability to distinguish truth from lies. Alan's rings and hands were destroyed by a Superman.

Green Lantern: Evil's Might

In the story of Elseworlds, Green Lantern: Evil's Might , Alan Scott is described as the young leader of a gang called Bowery Greens. He stole a magical green gem similar to Kyle Rayner's ring and then stole Kyle's lantern. In the final fight, he injures Kyle, but is absorbed into Kyle's ring.

Golden Age

In the Elseworlds series "The Golden Age", Alan Scott finds himself under investigation from the House Committee on Un-American Activities because of his refusal to hand over employees suspected of committing communist activities. In the final battle with Dynaman, Johnny Quick calls him "the big guy," implying that he is probably the most powerful hero of our time (though this may also be a reference to Alan's great physical stature).

Superman & amp; Batman: Generation 2

In Superman & amp; Batman: Generation 2 , alternative version of Alan Scott is shown. The origin of Alan Scott's rings is described as originally a Green Lantern ring that has been lost on Earth for a long time. In this storyline, the first time Alan used his ring, he was thrown from behind by a man with a wooden club. This led Alan to believe the ring was weak against wood, thus causing mental blocks that prevented him from actually exerting his power over objects or wood attacks. (This is confirmed by the Guardian, who explained that this was the reason behind the weakness for yellowing of the Green Lantern Corps ring.) They just told all the new Green Lanterns that their rings were helpless against the yellow to build the same mental block.)


In the last edition 52 , the new Multiverse was revealed, originally composed of 52 identical realities. Among the parallel realities shown are one designated "Earth-2". As a result of Mister Mind's "eating" aspect of this reality, he takes a visual aspect similar to Earth-Two's Crisis Earth-Two, including Green Lantern among other Justice Society of America characters. The names of characters and teams are not mentioned in the panel where they appear, but Green Lantern is visually similar to Alan Scott.

Based on Grant Morrison's comment, this alternative universe is not Earth-Two's pre- Crisis .

It has been revealed in Justice Society's (2) # 20 that post-Crisis Earth-2 Alan Scott died as stated by his daughter Jade who met New Earth Scott and was surprised to see a colleague The New Earth for his father is still alive.

Superman: Red Child

Scott is also featured as a member of the Green Lantern Marine Corps at Superman: Red Son.

In other media


  • Alan Scott, along with other members of the Justice Society of America, originally appeared on the episode of Justice League Legends. However, the planned appearance was rejected because their portrayals were too similar to their Golden Age appearance, so the analog group (Justice Guild of America) was created instead.
  • Alan Scott appeared in the episode of "Smallville " Absolute Justice "by Doug Pinton. He was a super hero in the 1970s and a CEO of an unnamed broadcasting company, who was arrested for government fraud in a mission to bring down JSA. He likes others trying to blame all evil even though he and others have never been punished. Since the law now realizes the identity of his superhero, Scott retires from heroics. In the present, Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan found Alan's black-and-white footage (his power ring seen in his left hand), along with his criminal record. Very little was said about him but confirmed he was still alive by Stargirl and hinted he had a child. The power of her lantern ring and batteries is displayed, in the display window at JSA Brownstone and her portrait in JSA paintings. In the continuation of comic book series television, it was revealed that Alan is not a member of the Green Lantern Corps.
  • Alan Scott appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "Crisis: 22,300 Miles Above Earth!" voiced by Corey Burton.
  • Alan Scott makes a cameo not speaking briefly in the episode of Youth Justice "Humanity", in which he is featured in JSA archive footage.
  • Though he never appeared, Alan Scott was alluded to in the Green Lantern: The Animated Series episode of "Steam Lantern". In the episode, Hal Jordan travels to another dimension where a hero named Gil Broome (Eponymous Steam Lantern) is inspired by Green Lantern who wears red and has a cloak.
  • On The Big Bang Theory's CBS, Sheldon Cooper wore original Alan Scott's Green Lantern color and logo, in season 11 of episode 5, "The Collaboration Contamination".
  • Alan Scott does not appear on Legends of Tomorrow, but his son Obsidian appears as a member of the Justice Society of America.


Green Lantern has a cameo in the opening credits of the animated film DC Universe Justice League: The New Frontier where he is seen being forced out of the hero by the government.

Video game

  • Alan Scott appears on DC Universe Online , voiced by Jason Phelps.
  • The statue of Alan Scott is seen in Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Videogame .


Sleepers is a trilogy created by Mike Baron and written by Christopher J. Priest. Each volume focuses on different Green Lanterns including Alan Scott.

Action numbers

In 2010, Green Lantern was released on Wave 14 of Mattel's DC Universe Classics toy line.

Edition collected

  • Golden Age Green Lantern Archive Vol. 1 (Green Lantern Vol 1 # 1 and All-American Comics # 16-30)
  • Golden Age Green Lantern Archive Vol. 2 (Green Lantern Vol 1 # 2-3 and All-American Comics # 31-38)
  • JSA Gift: Green Lantern (Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (one-shot); JSA: Classified # 25, # 32-33)
  • Crisis in Some Earth: The Team-Ups Vol. 1 (Green Lantern Vol 2 # 40)
  • Crisis in Some Earth: The Team-Ups Vol. 2 (Green Lantern Vol 2 # 45, 52)


External links

  • Green Lantern (Alan Scott) in the Comic Book DB
  • Alan Kistler's Profile in Green Lantern
  • Unofficial Green Lantern Profile
  • JSA Fact File: Green Lantern
  • Earth-2 Green Lantern Index
  • Green Lantern Corps Profile in Alan Scott
  • Alan Scott's Profile of DC Database Project

Source of the article : Wikipedia
